How I ended up with a Mac

Eric Santiago Yanez
3 min readMay 16, 2021

In all honestly, I wouldn’t call myself tech savvy nor a genius behind the computer. My parents were very keen on sports, so I was usually the worst at video games, nor was I any fast at operating a computer. In fact, I never really gave it any thought on the backend of how a video game operated, nor did I ever attempt to recreate my own PC. So to circle back, how did I end up with a Mac?

Well over the course of 2020, I had tons of friends affected by the impact of the pandemic, myself included through my parents. I think almost everyone felt the weight of Covid-19, fortunately for myself in my line of career in Law Enforcement, I was able to assist my family. I recalled by the end of last year a close of friend of mine shared his story and journey through Flatiron. His story motivated me and in all honesty, I was glad for him. As I stated before, this friend of mine brought out a desire within me to venture into learning a thing or two about coding. Perhaps it was the desire within me to prove that I could quickly pick up and fully understand this completely different language of coding. So I challenged myself, by trying out Coursera.

My early attempts were difficult, I found it difficult to connect with Coursera’s content , unable to truly understand Functions ,parameters and etc. Don’t get me wrong, I made flash cards and tried to memorize terms and each unique property thrown at me. As defeated as I felt, my friend recommended me to try Flatiron’s free intro lessons to coding, Html, CSS and really the works. I was honestly amazed by the structure and content provided, its user friendly approach made it enjoyable. I was hacking away through all the free resources available through their website, creating my first line of code, watching as the terminal gave me a “ Hello, World!”. I recall working with Html, excited to have created my first webpage to my surprise, I was staring at a blank white screen. Little by little I learned a thing or two about styling through CSS. Adding images, beautifying text and colors. Over time my original intentions shifted to something more genuine. I found myself sharing my ideas with friends. Thinking of the possibilities, the things I could potentially create, possibly make better. I have this idea for an app, that I would like to create and while it may seem silly now to others, I think it will be amazing I got the name down, Katfish.

In conclusion, after a couple months learning a thing or two from the free lessons provided on Flatiron, I finally applied. It came to some disbelief that my old computer couldn’t keep up with the work expected for the next ten months to come. So I quickly panicked as I realized I had a few weeks to start the cohort. I ended up buying a Mac, with a color I wouldn’t have originally picked. But that’s what you do when life starts moving. But like my Mac, all brand new and shiny, I enter this journey ready and excited to learn and develop little by little.


